stepmom magazine december 2020

The Gift of Grief

A Stepmom Remembers Her Ex-Mother-In-Law

By Krista Giovara

My ex-mother-in-law passed away recently. We knew it was coming because she’d been sick with an aggressive cancer for a long time. I got the news via text from my ex-husband. Luckily he was with two of our four kids and was able to tell them himself. He had to call our other two since they were away at school. As “expected” as her passing may have been, it was still brutal.

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stepmom magazine august 2020

Stepmom Burnout is Real

10 Ways to Take a Time Out

By Krista Giovara

When my ex and I divorced, we agreed to split our time with the kids 50/50. They were 2, 3, 8 and 9. I’d been a full-time mom since the older two were toddlers. As with a lot of us stay-at-home moms, it was all I knew and had become my identity. Yet, suddenly, I wasn’t with them 24/7. Instead I spent a lot of days lying in bed, crying.

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stepmom magazine july 2020

Bonding with Teenagers

What COVID-19 Gave Our Stepfamily

By Krista Giovara

When my husband and I married nine years ago, the idea of raising seven kids together was more than a little daunting. Even with having them only half the time, it was often overwhelming. They were young, between the ages of 4 and 12, but I knew that eventually they’d grow up and head out into the world. I hate to say it but I wasn’t entirely broken up by the idea …

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stepmom magazine june 2020

Feeling Like the Ugly Stepsister

A His & Hers Cinderella Story

By Krista Giovara

When I was 9, my best friend Allison and I decided to save up our allowances for tennis shoe roller skates and a duplex we’d live in with the twins we planned to marry. We quickly realized our piddly allowances weren’t going to allow for both goals. And we didn’t know any twins, so we aimed for the skates. It took forever to save, but finally: Off we went to Gemco!

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stepmom magazine may 2020

Parenting Never Ends

How to Deal With Adult-ish Children

By Krista Giovara

It was noon on a Thursday. My college-enrolled daughter had been home for over a week for her Summer Break and we’d barely seen her since she arrived. After knocking on her door several times, with no answer, I opened the door and looked inside. The room was dark and she was asleep. The bedside table was littered with empty water bottles, snack wrappers and discarded clothing. It looked like a disaster zone.

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stepmom magazine april 2020

The Silent Treatment

How to Co-Parent (Somewhat) Gracefully

By Krista Giovara

once blocked my ex-husband on my phone after a kid-related text exchange became heated. I was so upset that I didn’t want to hear a peep from him. I only blocked him for a few days and I’m fairly certain he was not only clueless but relieved. However, it was not one of my proudest co-parenting moments. Have you ever sunk to my level?

Back in the day—before kids and marriage…

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stepmom magazine march 2020

Stepfamily Spring Break

When Half a Vacation Is Better Than None

By Krista Giovara

When I married my current husband, he had three kids and I had four. We also had two calendars between us. I know, that sounds like a math problem. And, just like a math problem, there was only one solution: We had to get on the same calendar. Easier said than done, right? My ex and I had worked out our own kid-sharing calendar with the help of a mediator and it was pretty basic.

stepmom magazine february 2020

How I Met Your Grandma

Kids of Divorce, Family Ties & Forget Me Nots

By Krista L. Giovara

My youngest daughter once asked me, “Do you know my Nana and Papa?” I was shocked but also had to hold back a laugh. Her dad—my ex—and I had been married 13 years, together 17. We’d had four children and had spent countless holidays and vacations with her grandparents before we divorced. How could she not remember? Have you ever  experienced this? The answer was, “Yes.” I did know her Nana and Papa.

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stepmom magazine january 2020

The Stepfamily Village

A True Story of Exes Joining Forces

By Krista Giovara

Navigating the parenting world after divorce is difficult. Add stepparents to the equation and it’s not surprising there are differences in opinions, parenting styles and personalities. Who can build a friendship on that? It’s gotta be tough. I have friends who’ve always had a tough time dealing with their husbands’ ex-wives and/or their ex-husbands’ new wives.

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stepmom magazine december 2019

Happy Stepfamily Holidays

5 Seasonal Scenarios Your Crew Can Relate to

By Krista Giovara

My camera was stolen during our first Christmas together as a new stepfamily. This was over eight years ago, so it wasn’t an iPhone—meaning we had no backup and have not one picture to remember it by. Yet, since it was our very first, I’d made a huge effort. (That’s something I’ve eased up on over the years.) It was upsetting because I’d taken hundreds of photos and had really tried to outdo myself.

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Stepfamilies & Favoritism

Life Truly Isn’t Fair

By Krista Giovara

The three words I remember most from growing up are: “Life isn’t fair.” I, my sister and our three stepsisters heard itconstantly. Our parents managed to fit that saying into family conversations on what felt like a daily basis. For example, when someone else got the last dessert. Or when my stepfather bought tennis shoe roller skates for one of my stepsisters—after I’d had to buy mine with my hard-earned allowance.

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stepmom magazine september 2019

Goodbye Summer — Hello Google

Changing How We Parent to Make It Through the School Year

By Krista Giovara

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I love Summer, though I know it’s not ideal for everyone. In particular, some of my friends who have younger kids don’t enjoy it. They think it’s a pain to find a constant stream of activities for little ones to participate in when they aren’t in school. Not me! I love not having an alarm clocking off at the crack of dawn. I love not having to get the kids off to school.

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stepmom magazine august 2019

Walking in Her Shoes

What Life as Both a Mom—and a Stepmom—Has Taught Me

By Krista Giovara

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When I tell people my husband and I have seven kids they’re always blown away. It's kind of fun to watch shock register on their faces before admitting that I've only given birth to four of them. Ten years ago, when I started down this journey and thought I’d try my hand at being the “perfect mom of blending,” I used to love it when people believed all seven were mine.

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stepmom magazine july 2019

Smells Like Teen Spirit

by Krista Giovara


When I met my husband 10 years ago and married him two years later, our kids were very young. When we first met they were: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 and 11. There are four boys and three girls between us. And, let’s be honest, with that many kids it’s not surprising that our transition to stepfamily life was extremely difficult. Yet, I assumed it was hard because it was all new to us.

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stepmom magazine june 2019

The Perfect Father

Outgrowing My ‘Movie’ Dad Obsession

By Krista Giovara

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When my ex-husband and I got married, we did it quickly. We dated for only eight months before we were engaged. We were pretty young. I felt this pressure to be perfect and to win at everything in life. (Can we say narcissistic parent?) I wanted to be one of the first people we knew to get married. And we were! Soon after, we began the whirlwind of having kids.

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